Vietri ceramics are increasingly used in Italian and foreign cinema.

When you want to represent a beautiful table where the warmth of the Italian family and harmony reigns, what can make the idea more than the colors of the Amalfi coast?
When you want to represent a beautiful table where the warmth of the Italian family and harmony reigns, what can make the idea more than the colors of the Amalfi coast?
We saw her at "Un posto al sole" a successful soap from RAI and then in the very nice film by Alessandro Siani "Welcome to the South"
, recently in the beautiful feature film by Ferzan Ozpetek "Napoli Velata"
In the film for Sky, The Young Pope, Vietri ceramics are offered to the Pope as advertising gadgets
Today in theaters instead we can admire it in the choral film by Gabriele Muccino "A casa tutti bene"
However you decide to represent the warmth and color of southern Italy, the directors choose to use Vietri ceramics
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